All the pictures somehow correlated to each other.. The first picture in the left was a photo I took at the exact same place where I go on the computer = garage. The second photo that I took in a bedroom in Busselton where I stayed [a crap place], next was a photo again in Busselton at the Jetty, where it showed history of Busselton [kind of interesting, in a sense... The last means [i feel like it's boring becausre there was no excitement in terms of nature but I wanted to look interested so you may not notice.]
I went to buy Dolly Magazine, OK Australia, and some Garnier and hair colour stuff. Hair colour is Mum's. What I've been doing lately is sitting on my crap bwed and do manga because Mum is hogging the computer and I have no time to do my on thing.. If I had it will only be twenty minutes. Oh, how fun is that! That time I can only surf the internet for only one site and I can't finish my "mission" [as in what i'm going to do on that site].
Anyway I got a new scarf and a new beanie. Mum said it looks good on me =]. Anyway, it made me feel a little bit less crap in my life. Mum always thought I was doing crap stuff but actually i has a purpose. Oh My God, Mums and Dads think today that teenagers are rebels and doing crap stuff over the computer and us teenagers it was socializing and having a cybersex with fucked-up randoms [i'm like this, mums are getting overprotected].
i got a bitchfriend [a bitch who still calls you a friend even though she is getting dirt about you and spread it through the entire universe like a virus] she spread rumours about my fake "secret". it's true but i always test a friend but in a big way. That secret is no longer a secret. Everyone knows about it and reacts about it. She spread it like an AIDS [ no offence for those people with AIDS] she spread it from one person to the other and everyone who got the rumours gets fascinated. Now, my family is in big bad reputation. That bitchfriend is Kate. I hate her for being a bitchfriend and never learns how to return stuff and money that she owe. want to know the "secret"? here's the secret. i had sex with a my ex whos 7 years older than me. who cares if i get fucked up? but that sex was fun. =] no offence to those countries who doesn't allow children under 15 years of age to have sex. It happen to my other country. it's only my desicion..
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